4 feet and under


Remember Noah from this post? He was just a little baby.

Noah is one years old now! Time flies! Thanksgiving Sat. afternoon, Jenny and Charlie invited us over for a home made Italian pasta lunch. With yummy food, good wine and Noah entertaining us, our tummy all popped out before we realize we ate too much 😛

So, we went out for a stroll next to a dried up creek near Noah’s house. The weather was warm, sunlight was soft, and color of fall gave us a perfect background for casual family photos. The session wasn’t planned. But they turned out real nice.


This one is my favorite 🙂 Noah is learning to walk at this stage.

I love the lightings of the following 2 photos.




Baby Tristan & his mommy and daddy live in Taiwan. When Hy and I went visiting last month, we took some photos for the 6 months old Tristan.

The lucky boy is already in his brand name Baby Gucci shoes

This baby seat is sold around the world. I’ve seen a pink one in US.

Tristan and his round table knights.

Then Tristan shows us many of different expressions ~

I miss Tristan so much already. I will be babysitting Tristan at the Kawaii island of Haiwaii in Oct. I can’t wait.

Spring is the best time for us to take a break from the weddings and focusing a little on our friends and families. Yearly, we see kids growing taller and more lady like. Hana has been in model training for couple years now. She’s a natural in front of the camera.

Hana’s little sister, Sydney, is a super cutie as well.

As the year ramp up, we have more site visits, engagement photos and wedding photos to show case up coming. Stay tune for more goodies!

Beanie’s sooo cute and such a good dog in the photo session.





Stay tune to see more of Beanie 🙂

It’s good to finally be home. Didn’t realize that I missed home so much until I laid in my own bed.

When I got home, Hy showed me some photos of baby Noah. He took them while I was away.




The Kung Fu shot ~


This following is my favorite ~


Emily was also 3 when she attended Hy and my wedding. She was one of the little kids that danced whole night on our dance floor. Emily is also 5 now.


I love fall season. Love the colors. Emily got some collected some leaves from our backyard.




The girls are busy playing in the backyard where adults are busy drinking and eating 😛 And guess what those 2 beauties are playing ??


BUGS !! I tried to stay away from them.


I am writing this blog entry from Sheraton Anaheim Hotel. It’s a beautiful hotel. There are lots of very exciting kids running around the hotel because Disney’s just next door. The hotel is built like a castle with beautiful gardens in its courtyard.  The room’s quite specious. I enjoy my stay here.  I happened to be in the area from my business trip, so it was nice to stay over the weekend with Hy.

Hy’s out photographing a wedding around the area. Surprisingly, Nov. turned out to be the busiest time for HyStudio this year. We have 2 destination weddings in this month. This weekend, we are at South Cal. Then Hy and Frank will be heading to Big Island for a wedding in couple weeks. There will be many amazing photos for me to share.

Happy Weekend ~

Shir was the flower girl in our own wedding (Hy & I). She was 3 years old back then, now she’s 5. Our little girl grew up.


Hy and I invited couple families to our house last Sunday afternoon. Shir came with her brother Ron and her mommy and daddy. Hy had such a fun time playing with Shir and Emily (will show Emily’s photo tomorrow) in our backyard. And of course, Hy wouldn’t miss the chance to snap some photos. I love the fall background in our backyard 🙂



Hy and I meant to take some family photos for Shir, Ron and their parents every years since our wedding. But somehow, even when we tried really hard to schedule a session, something always came up. So, Hy took the rare opportunity for some quick shots. And we will not give up on scheduling that formal session. Hopefully we get to do this every year. 🙂


Shir’s trying to show Hy her ‘H’ shaped band-aid.




Shir wore her brother’s crocs. She has a purple one herself at home.


Shir, we love you. Hope we get to be there to watch you grow every year!

Got busy this week during weekdays. 🙂 Here are some photos to start your weekend!



I love this one.


Stay tune, I will be posing more photos over the weekend. Have a nice one!

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